Saturday, January 19, 2008

New idea to focus on hearing parents of deaf child...


KM said...

I am a new blogger/vlogger, and though I've read/watched many, it is rare for me to comment, but I thought I'd give it a try.

There is a definite need for hearing parents to learn ASL, that's been a problem for so's getting the word out there-- that is the problem. The Deaf community, as much as it supports ASL, needs to work on outreach, especially parents of newborns and young children. Hearing parents sadly don't think of going to Deaf people, because as they want is to "fix" their child, or find a way to "help" them be as "normal" as possible.

Even when parents do learn to sign, it's rare that they use ASL, or that they are fluent; and when they sign "proficiently" (well enough the Deaf child can understand them) another huge problem is getting them to USE it consistently. I've met many a hearing parent of Deaf children who are willing to use sign with their children, and their children's Deaf friends, but get a hearing person in there and "POO" buh-bye sign language, spoken language takes over. And, with most Deaf people being the only d/Deaf person in their family, that puts them back at "square one," at the beginning, so to speak.

Part of this has to due with a lack of fluency in sign, and lack of putting themselves in their deaf child's shoes, but part of this comes from a lack of understanding of Deaf culture and Deaf people and understanding how Deaf people feel, (rightfully so) about being left out and missing so much.

So, I guess my point is, the Deaf community needs to teach not only ASL, but also at least the basics of Deaf culture as well.

Coach Creech said...

Well said! I agree with you, so that area need to adjust and enhance to the bestow for our deaf children..

Susan said...

Kelsey made a good comment. The hearing parents should make some improve on it.

Vampbat said...

very good point! also i want to add to ur idea maybe we should show to Med. Ins. how much cost for CI and ASL which one more better. it's good show to Ins. to notice it that doctors used Ins. money to wasted for NO REASON to put CI if ALL OF them not work too well? if too low rates success then GO TO CHANGE ASL more good rates than CI's stupid tech thing not work well. Ins. might thinking about it to change it if parents want child to get CI then theirself to pay for it. cuz it's not worth to do it. so Ins can block to wasted money for stupid thing not work. that's all i want shared my idea with ya and anybody.

Joshua "Vampbat" Womick