Wednesday, January 2, 2008

ASL user and depending on interpreter is positive...


OCDAC said...

What? Are you kidding? Dependency is never positive.

Aslpride said...

Richard, without depending an interpreter, I will never receive Salutatorian. Are you saying I should give up dependency on interpreter and continue failure in education because of my inadequate speech and hearing skills. I say NO! Your perspective is illness information and disgusted me. It is shame for you claim that you still continue advocate deaf people. It is time for people like you to understand that we the people who use ASL continue depending the interpreter for better communication between two worlds and you will not stop us! Your song has end when I announce the new term of Amerisilan. You are not advocate ASLAN and you are not ASLAN. For that, I despite you as I am not one of you, neither you are one of me. You may continue the fantasy realm of yours and I will continue my own reality success. With Salutatorian honor, it is a great honor to receive it and I received it as equal with hearing people. What you want is a superior in vocal language in deaf world and depress the deaf people who use ASL. No more! Your days is over, we the ASLAN will move on and being success in hearing world without you!

Epeachy News' Blog said...

Congralutations! You are right we deaf people have to do our best to prove the hearing people wrong.

What was your major at ITT?
Where is the school?

InsaneMisha said...

*wave hands*
Just ignore Richard Roehm anyway. He is really clueless.
I know using ASL interpreters would help success in the long run, of course. Nothing to be ashamed of using/depending on the interpreters because they're our lifelines.
Good Luck for your future job and may you continue having more success.
Misha :)

David said...

What you did was beautiful! I like your attitude and your assertive.

It is most important is that any individual can succeed regardless of any langauge.

OCDAC is a perfect example of "CRAB THEORY".

Keep it up!


Unknown said...

Congrats to you and your classmate. Please consider any interpreter as your "tool" and you do the rest. I had a part-time interpreter in my former federal job for few years before I retired with the service of 31 years. It really helped me to accomplish my job successfully. I did not consider having the interpreter as a bad idea. It helped me to work well with hearing workers. Richard, you should get out of your current job if you cant promote the deaf rights. If any deaf people who live in Orange county, they should work to get Richard out of the OCDAC organization. Enough is enough....

Aslpride said...

Thank you for positive comments, I appreciate it. :)

cruise trip for the deaf-oct 2007: I have two degrees from ITT. Its A.S. degree in Information Technology and B.S. degree in Information Systems Security. The ITT that I attend is located in San Bernardino City.

misha: I know as I am trying to ignore Richard, but sometime I need to say something against his comments. I will continue my success in future.

david: *ding* *ding* *ding* You got it right, Richard Roehm's behaviors is a crab theory. It is right on the dot.

piedmont: Right, enough is enough. It is time for us to climb out of the bucket and show the world that we the ASLAN does exist.

grantlairdjr said...

Hope you will offer youtube video version. I cant view quicktime video here.


Platonic's Eye said...

tsk tsk, you had gut to show you did nothing is wrong to depend on interpreter for ASL. You allowed yourself to demonstrate what you have that ability. To win you have demonstrated your proof of your abilities to beat those people who think that is very sterotypical. Good for you!!!