Thursday, April 26, 2007

Anonymous and the freedom of speech...


Lantana said...

Absolutely great! I loved your "pose" and all of the body language involved. We need to practice your M.O.!

John Lestina --- said...

Well said!! Thanks! ABC!

Oscar Chacon said...

Interesting discussion. I definitely agree that nasty speech (hate or any other speech that hurt) should not be encouraged.

By the way, I like how you sit and be cool but can you move camera or increase the magnification? I had a hard time getting what you said. How about making it head to waist size so I can see your signs better?
Thanks :).

AslMan said...

You just nailed it. Perfect explantation. Hate speech should be banned. Why prevent any hatred toward anybody or belittle anyone's comments. I agreed we all should help one another by sharing our opinion and strengthen one another.

mochame said...

Right on! Anonymous are pretty dangerous when the nasty comments put somebody's blogger or vlogger. They should be respect each other. By the way, Welcome to your vlogger!

NavyBeagle said...

I am very happy to see the Vloggers type you are! That’s what we need to see. You put a lot of energy by using a lot of metaphors about Anonymous. I personally hate to have comments by the Anonymous. Here is my metaphor below. I am somewhat flexible how to approve comments by the anonymous.

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

My metaphor
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No Anonymous comes to my website except through me.

That tells that I have an authorization to approve if I like to have their comments on my website.

For Anonymous…. What a shame!

For ASLPride and other good Vloggers…Be strong. Be Tough. Be yourself!

Lisa C. said...

I heard you loud and clear.

Lisa C. said...

Good verse!!

anonymous said...

Defrocked Rabbi Cannot Violate Anonymous Bloggers' First Amendment Rights, Public Citizen Tells Court Subpoena to Reveal Writers' Identities Is Unconstitutional

"Full First Amendment protection applies to communications on the Internet, and longstanding precedent recognizes that speakers have a First Amendment right to communicate anonymously, so long as they do not violate the law in doing so"

Blog Without Getting Fired

"The bad news is that in many cases, there is no legal means of redress if you've been fired for blogging. While your right to free speech is protected by the First Amendment, this protection does not shield you from the consequences of what you say. The First Amendment protects speech from being censored by the government; it does not regulate what private parties (such as most employers) do. In states with "at will" employment laws like California, employers can fire you at any time, for any reason. And no state has laws that specifically protect bloggers from discrimination, on the job or otherwise."

Vampbat said...

WOW! U HAVE A LOT OF POINTS some people other time talk about but u add MORE POINT AND POWER. MY OPINION WHY NOT WE JUST REMOVE ANONYMOUS? so it's will easier for us to more BETTER DISCUSS AND MORE PEOPLE COME! i know i hate see anonymous being hurt people's feel, negative, stuff so shit. BUT, out world as in person ANONYMOUS CAN RUN BUT CAN'T HIDE! because we don't give a fuck game with people who try to be COOLER to hurt people's feel. if i am blogger or vlogger i will rather not put anonymous without noticed person WHO THEY ARE!

by the way i want add u talk about THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH thing...... yes it's very point of key to discuss. i want add something about it. FAMOUS HISTORY I ALWAYS READ OFTEN at school in history classes my teacher FOUCS us to study about BILL OF RIGHT in first AMENDMENT! it's very power words! it's importants about 5 freedoms ........ freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, people have right to group to meeting, AND have right to ask Goverment to ask for help.
i will give them with good example. u talk about anonymous is hate speech. know what? FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS NOT MATCH hate speech. so remove hate speech out of this american. it's more RESPECT EACH OTHER. if don't like thing what we have idea just be nice to stand up and tell REASON yes u are right! we suppose to be SHARING OUR OPINION, WE ARE NOT PERFECT PERIOD! perfect example VLOGGER/BLOGGER have freedom of press it's more like public press tell them what we want to discuss issues to be improve, respect each other, and many thing reason to open discuss IN GOOD WAY, but not in angry way just be nice to open discuss as we are wondering, opinion to offer our idea, improved our unity, it's perfect example of BILL OF RIGHT first thing about freedoms 5 things. so..... thank for open sharing more discuss about anonymous. i think we should REMOVE anonymous it's will go be SUCCESS OUR UNITY AGAIN AND MORE PEOPLE COME WE WANT TO WELCOME THEM IN FRENDLY WAY! :D

i did comments a lot before i never put anonymous i want SHOW WHO I AM AND I WANT DESERVE yall respect back. so keep up with videoclips. u have very interest vloggers to DISCUSS IN GOOD ISSUES AS CURIOUS deep thing to learn i did learn a lot about ur video clips other one talk about CI. wow long videoclips but i enjoy to watch and learn it's VERY EDUCATIONS! :D

Joshua "Vampbat" Womick

NavyBeagle said...

My Response

Anonymous said...

Here's my story which is not very pleasant. Thank you for discussing anonymous comments which can be hurtful. Carl

Aslpride said...

I want to thank you for share your comments. I appreciate it.

Oscar the Observer: Sure, I will try adjust my video to allow everyone include yourself to able view my videos better. I did notice my sign frame in video is small :)

ASLMan: I can't ban them, but I can ignore them. :)

Navybeagle: I like your perspective with scripture and blog user authority and thank you for your respond through video. :)

jwomick: I will have another video on anonymous as you see a registered blog named anonymous has post two links regarding to free of speech. I guess anonymous didn't end its amazing by use other method to be name as anonymous. :)

To different comments, thank you for positive response.

ASL Risen said...


I want to thank you for all of your good job on your video clips to share us. I hope that we will have good teamwork to contact our US legislators.


Lisa C. said...

ASLPRIDE, Carl and Navybeagle,
Thank you for sharing. I understand how you feel. I would feel the same way.
Thanks again!

I'm happy to see your sweet dog behind you when you did vlog.

Aslpride said...

Hello Carl, I can understand anonymous sending threat message through blog, but actually send a mail with threat message. It is uncalled for. With mail, whosever send the threat mail did went too far. You have rights to report to police to investigate and find person who send the threat mail.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Aslpride said...

Hello Carl, I watch your video again as last time was garbled on one part. This time it was clear and you mention about someone hit your daughter to give you a message. Its wrong and uncivilized! I hope your daughter is alright and you keep your spirit strong. :)