Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Respond to DEAFOIC's Deaf Cyberbully: Conclusion

Conclusion message to my previous post on "Respond to DEAFOIC's Deaf Cyberbully".

Monday, October 13, 2008

Respond to DEAFOIC's Deaf Cyberbully

My respond to DEAFOIC's Deaf Cyberbully from I want to give another perspective to make deaf community using their brain and ponder. This discussion need a serious consideration for our deaf community. Thank you.

Here's DEAFOIC's Deaf Cyberbully link...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Midwife or Hospital Birth Center benefit for Deaf people?

For any people wondering why I was missing in action since March. Here's my video that I created for I am glad I am getting better and return to vlogger realm. :)