Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Should we increase age limit for recipient of the Cochlear Implant?


Survey Part 1

Survey Part 2



drmzz said...

At first, I was taken back by your title, but am surprised it came from your college paper so I kept an open mind as I watched all the vlogs. Hmm, my head is rocking back ‘n forth. Considering you're doing an exploratory paper with low sample size (3 respondents out of 50) with 8 open-ended questions, the validity for this test design (survey) is low, scientifically speaking. No way to quantify data right? Nevertheless, it was amusing to hear from three different subjects’ perspectives toward your questions. I disagree with the doctor for the most. I don't buy CI will match normal hearing within 10-20 years as he claimed. I don’t buy the claim that it is risk free either. (Did you say FEMA, can you post website?) It is revealing of his stance of why he thought deaf community should have no issues with it. The “fix it” drive is high in medical and pathological fields. I guess their attitudes override everything else and as a deaf cultural person, I say hell no, Jose! Play fair please. ASL is worth investing into too. Thanks for sharing.

Signing MC said...

If possible set up a videoconference to discuss this issues instead of people to show up in one building. I think drmzz need a thick glasses (DID YOU SAY FEMA) FEMA is Federal Emergency Management Agency, actually you said "FDA" - Food and Drug Administration, says CI is a risk!

AslMan said...

That is a challenging issues to present from any Doctor or Scientist responses. Even though the Doctor gave poor answer with simplicity and should given more explantation on that issues. The survey questions 3 out of 50, I wish there were more responses from Doctor field, but nevertheless 2 or 3 responses are sufficent needs. As for CI when you said the Doctor believe that it will be equalivent to hearing for the next 10 to 20 years, i dont think that will ever happen in this lifetime. My best friend who has CI said it cant match with hearing because there is so much to practice and learn to be the same level as them. CI is a risk factor anything can happen. After operation there are risk to be caution. Another friend of mine had it and got his head swollen for the next 4 weeks before it went back to normal. As for the age deciding factor it should be that person's decision to make when and how it want to have CI not parent decision. Give them a chance to experience both sides
ASL is beautiful language i would say 18 years of age is reasonable. Thanks for sharing.

drmzz said...

Signing mc, I'll let that comment slide for now, didn't want to go back to the vlog again to confirm. I got the F and the A. Long day at school. FDA then. One videoconference won't produce credible research. It's a lengthy process.

Aslpride said...

Singing MC, no need for name-calling. He did watch my video at late night and he did mention that he has long day. Videoconference is nice but this project will need at least 20 to 30 people to work together and videoconference will not able to handle that number of people. This project will need to have meeting to discuss on survey and gathering more information on risk. We will need at least 5,000 to 10,000 samples to meet the margin of error of 1%. We also need to have more than 95% confidence for this report. That way, we will have really good case to show people why we should increase age limit for recipient of the Cochlear Implant.

Drmzzz, here is link to FDA’s report on meningitis from Cochlear Implant…

It is interesting as my report based on FDA 2003 information. However, they did mention the site is outdated and create new link for FDA 2006. In FDA 2003 did mention known case of meningitis in Cochlear Implant, but in FDA 2006, they mention it is not sufficient finding that meningitis has come from Cochlear Implant. Umm….

Thank you for feedback and my report is not sufficient information to increase age limit for recipient of the Cochlear Implant, but able to initiate a discussion on this issue. I hope we can realize what we can do for future.

drmzz said...

Interesting, thought I read about that change in 2003 report compared to 2006 report. Fishy! Nevertheless, thanks for this bold project and asking the hard questions to these people. They need understand to play fair to hearing parents about ASL benefits too. There is no shame in being Deaf. It is just attitudes.

Jarom R. Matheson said...

I am against the age increase for cochlear implantation in youths because there are endless researches that proved that the youths does benefit from cochlear implants at the young age. Also, you all deaf people need to butt out. Because it's ultimately up to parents' to decide to implant the child or not. That's the parents' job not strangers like you all job to do that. Not all parents of deaf child want to use sign language as first language with their deaf child or children therefore that's why they go chose to implant their child/children so they can be exposed to auditory informations in order to acquire the spoken language. Even if you like it or not... That's how it is...

J. Matheson

Aslpride said...

Hello Jarom.

Longtime no see. :)

I would like to clarify that my study based on risk factor, not "Focus to against C.I." My argument also mention about insufficient information provide by doctor to give parents who decide what's best for their deaf child/children. Beside, my report based on three months research, it needs more research to find a verify information from doctors and customers who recipient CI. My intentional is prevent parent to decide to give kids CI because it will cure them. It didn't help all people who recipient of the CI. There are success and failure stories from people who recipient of the CI. Doctors who perform CI tend to explain success story instead of consequence of recipient of the CI. My report's primary concern is meningitis infection. Young kids have high risk of receive meningitis infection than older people.

I did talk with one of my friend who recipient of the CI. He did said, "CI didn't help you become as hearing people." He also said, "Only different between hearing aids and CI is few more sounds that he never heard through hearing aids." My argument is why risk while you can use hearing aids with speech until age with less risk of getting meningitis infection when you recipient of the CI.

edgewilderness said...

This is very sad for children to get a CI at early age.. I agree with you one hundred percent that the numbers of people are too massive and all over. We need to get in one circle and get a good feedback. Couple days ago, I was looking for deaf-related job and contacted DHHS in Virginia, Minnesota. This lady told me that she thinks we need a Deaf mentor to teach the families on deafness and also she mentioned that she traveled all over Minnesota schools to visit deaf children. Almost all of them have CI.. I was seeking to be a deaf teacher and want to teach deaf kids but she said unfortunately moms and dads are teaching their kids to speak oral not accepting them to be like deaf kids. Wow! That hit me real hard. I have been thinking why not refer to a person who is deaf like me or you first before putting the CI in their kid. Hmm, have you think of one place to come and discuss this issue to do something before our deaf world vanished? I believe they are driving the deafies out and we need to drive this CI out! Agree anyone?! I'm sorry.. CI isn't working as I can see it with my own eyes.

I'll talk a little about me. I grew up with hearing aids and I'm pretty sure CI works a little better than HA especially with with my DB being like 70 or better at that time. I hear so well and attended to hearing class, and can talk on the phone with friends, families, etc,...Then, I started to profounded a lot at age 13, stopped using the phone and started learning signs and had to join deaf school and attended to Galluadet.. Oh, my mom had a very hard time to accept me in a deaf world. I remembered her wanting me to get surgery by Dr. House around my teenage years. Oh, of course I refused. I felt enough abusing and why do I need to suffer for hearing people!!! What about us? To be honest with you, my mom still not accept me as deaf person since 1988and accept as for who I am. I have four wonderful children and I am taking Love and Logic. From what I learned is not to do what my mom did to me. I learned to love my kids for who they are and believe me, my kids will pay me back because I think that's what you want your kids to do instead of having distance relationship with your parents. So, it is going to happen between their CI children and them. Sad and it is going to hurt them too! I'm still scarred because I see a lot of parents of deaf children signing wants to make me cry because that's beautiful! That's love!!!! Anyway, whatcha gonna do? Let them win?? Let the CI sweep deaf away??? Please get back to me

edgewilderness said...

Hi, it's me again... I sounded as all come from me and wanted to be heard. My apology for not thinking about others who already have CI. I just got so upset when most of the children in Minnesota have CI and the teachers are teaching the children oral. I was going back to my time and of course not all will end up like me... some oralists are happy and some are okay and some can be very sad or frustrated. I just wanted to leave it up to people to see that there should have consultant about CI before operating the child's ears... who will give out pros and cons instead of doctor giving cheap facts like, ohh child will hear and making moms or dads go wild without thinking straight. I believe there should have variety of Evaluation before pre-operation and making big decision for their child/children.

My husband's cousin, he's now 12... he had CI when he was young... He's not happy with CI, he is at Faribault now. That's one I know~

Jarom R. Matheson said...

Many profound deaf children don't benefit from hearing aids at all because they AMPLIFY the sounds. Cochlear implant just bypasses the damaged part of inner-ear system and directly stimulate the hearing nerve. Yes, the person with cochlear implant will never hear like hearing person. BUT they can hear nearly as hearing person which is better than nothing. I have two cochlear implants myself. And I have no regret of going down that route because of cochlear implants, my life has became much easier. Because of my experience with cochlear implants, I am for children to be implanted as young as possible. I have worked closely with many people/children with implants and they are very successful with their implant. My niece who just turned 3 have one as well. And she had have it for little over 2 years. And she is doing wonderfully with it.

Your argument about meningitis infection. That's why the surgeons recommends the patients to get the shot for that at least 2 weeks before the operation. And back in 2003, there was many cases about meningitis showing up in patients. I believe it was with one older model because it have positioner so it doesn't mean all patients with implants are at the risk because positioners are not in the use anymore.

You shouldn't rely on one person for experience with cochlear implant. Because because everybody have different experiences with cochlear implants.

edgewilderness said...

Hi Jarom, I'm still not sure but thanks for sharing about CI on your family and yourself. Well,so as I can see you've decided to get CI on your own, correct? Or did your folks make the decision? I'm finding this too hard to understand why take the risk and chance if there's infection. Also, some people will be stuck with CI if not work on them like Bradly, my husband's cousin. Is that OK? Tell me can you play football or any sports while you have CI? Curious.

Aslpride said...

Hello Jarom,

The keyword is "compatible" with cochlear. As you mention that not every profound deaf able to use CI effective as other deaf like you able to have CI and hear better than other. If person decide to have CI, its fine. I have no objection, because those people who decide to have CI has understand the benefits and consequences. There are sufficient number of people who recipient of the CI and wish that they didn't have one. Bottom line, CI isn't for everyone.

As my previous video mention about Regret to have or not to have. That is big issue regarding CI.

Also, its how people's attitude toward CI. When you mention that you have CI and your life is much better and easier. It sound like we the people who didn't have CI and use ASL as only form of communicate didn't have success in our life. I am sure you didn't mean that, but it is how deaf community feel when they see those message from different people who recipient of the CI. The deaf community is trying to give message to everyone that we are normal and we can being success in hearing world without CI and those people who success in their life with CI is true, too.

However, there is true story that people who recipient of the CI didn't appreciate its technology and deaf person didn't success due to their inablitiy to hear.

It is very important for everyone to recieve two sides before making decision. Right now, deaf community feel that doctors didn't explain parent the alternative method other than CI.

edgewilderness said...

aslpride, you're right. I recently went on to another issue amd read about people's opinion on against cohlear implant.. I found out about sport and no need to say... CI is not good on minors... and still think we should do something about it by setting up a business like consultant to meet with parents first before they go ahead and put that thing in the baby's head or kids' head. I think it is a very sad thing that folks are doing that to their youngsters... God made them the way they are keep happy that it is just a broken ears and love them no matter what... ASL is fun! I don't like to talk and I talk very good before I profounded at age 13. So, it's aching and tiring to use voice and kinda ugly too.. Sorry to say... people can tell that I talk like a deaf person by not talking fluently. They treat you different, too. I know! So depressing...and not worth putting up with CI on minors unless consult with someone who knows pros and cons and have a degree. Thanks for listening.

Jarom R. Matheson said...


My parent decided to implant me. Yes, I am able to play sports with it on. I have no problems playing any sports even snow skiing which is my favorite sport. Going bilateral is my own decision.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen this website. Interestingly, it's part of clerc center. some information about mimimum age.